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Lifecycle stage definition: Functions that support the DCC Lifecycle stage defined as "Transfer data to an archive, repository, data centre or other custodian. Adhere to documented guidance, policies or legal requirements."
Lifecycle order: 2

Functions within this lifecycle stage

Dependency AnalysisTools for identifying essential information that resides externally to a digital object, or for identifying dependent processes such as which DLLs are required by a Windows process.
Encryption DetectionTools that support the detection of encryption or password protection in files.
File Format IdentificationTools that enable the automatic identification of the file format of a particular file, typically by examining characteristic codes (often termed file format magic) in the file header.
FixityTools that support the verification of file fixity, typically through the generation and validation of checksum based manifests.
Metadata ExtractionTools that support the extraction of metadata from files.
Metadata ProcessingTools that support the processing or management of metadata.
Persistent IdentificationTools that support the unique and persistent identification of files or intellectual entities.
Quality AssuranceTools that support quality checking of digital resources, identifying damaged, incomplete or low quality data. Typically used to identify damage introduced via processes such as format migration or digitisation.
ValidationTools that support the validation of digital files, typically against a file format specification.

Tools for this lifecycle stage

3-Heights(TM) PDF ValidatorValidation3-Heights(TM) PDF Validator from PDF-Tools AG.
7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio, and encryption and fixity check capabilities
7trainMetadata ProcessingXSLT 2.0 tool for generating METS files from XML input
ACE (Audit Control Environment)FixityThe Auditing Control Environment is a mature set of software designed to help libraries and archives prove their holdings are intact and trustworthy.
ADC TestValidationTests and reports on audio analog-to-digital converters
ALTAG3DFile Management
Metadata Extraction
Personal Archiving
An open source archive software
ARK plugin for OmekaPersistent IdentificationGenerating and resolving ARK identifiers for resources in Omeka
AVP FixityFixityFixity monitoring for digital collections
Aaru Data Preservation SuiteBackup
Disk Imaging
Metadata Extraction
Media dump software and disc image manager
Adobe Photoshop ElementsMetadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
Personal Archiving
A commercial image editor with a metadata module (Organizer).
Apache PDFBoxMetadata Extraction
File Format Migration
Encryption Detection
JAVA PDF library for creation, manipulation, validation and content extraction of PDF documents
Apache POI - the Java API for Microsoft DocumentsFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
Encryption Detection
The Apache POI Project's mission is to create and maintain Java APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon the Office Open XML standards (OOXML) and Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format (OLE2).
Apache TikaMetadata Extraction
File Format Identification
Text Extraction
Embedded File Extraction
Java based tool for identifying file formats using signatures and extracting metadata and text content from documents.
Metadata Processing
Data capture and Deposit
Archifiltre-Mails connects to email containers and visualizes their content, helping you in exploring and adding metadata.
File Copy
BagIt API for Perl
Metadata Processing
ArchivesSpace is the next-generation web-based archives information management system, designed by archivists and supported by diverse archival repositories.
Archivists' ToolkitMetadata ProcessingAn open source archival data management system to provide broad, integrated support for the management of archives
Metadata Processing
Archon automatically publishes archival descriptive information and digital archival objects in a user-friendly website.
Ark servicePersistent IdentificationARK identifiers generator in python
AsTiffTagViewerQuality AssuranceAsTiffTagViewer is a TIFF Tag Viewer application.
Preservation System
Academic Social Networking
Personal Archiving
Version Control
Metadata Processing
Persistent Identification
Managing Active Research Data
To make audio and its interpretations more discoverable and usable by extending the use of the newest IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) standard for audio with the development of the AudiAnnotate web application, documented workflows and workshops that will facilitate the use of existing best-of-breed, open source tools for audio annotation (Sonic Visualiser), for public code and document repositories (GitHub), and audio presentation (Universal Viewer) to produce, publish, and sustain shareable W3C Web Annotations for individual and collaborative audio projects.
BIL (BagIt Library)Fixity
File Copy
BagIt Library is a Java software library that supports the creation, manipulation and validation of bags.
BWF MetaEditMetadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
BWF MetaEdit permits embedding, validating, and exporting of metadata in Broadcast WAVE Format (BWF) files.
Bad PeggyValidation
Quality Assurance
Scans for damaged images and photos.
BagIt Transfer UtilitiesFixity
File Copy
BagIt transfer Utilities are a collection of tools developed for the purpose of validation and transfer of bags.
GUI application to facilitate the creation and verification of BagIt bags.
BitCuratorFile Management
Metadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
Quality Assurance
The BitCurator Environment is an Ubuntu Linux distribution geared to the needs of archivists and librarians. It includes a suite of open source digital forensics and data analysis tools to help collecting institutions process born-digital materials.
BnL Mets ExporterMetadata ProcessingCommand Line Interface (CLI) to export METS/ALTO documents to other formats.
File Format Identification
Format verification
BrunnhildeMetadata Extraction
Content Profiling
Siegfried-based characterization of directories and disk images
C3POContent Profiling
Metadata Extraction
C3PO is a content profiling tool for visualization and preservation analysis
CSV ValidatorMetadata Processing
Validation of CSV files against user-defined schema
Checkit tiffQuality Assurance
a tool to validate TIFF files against given configuration profile
Checksum (by Corz)FixityFast hashing tool using a GUI interface
Cksum Unix commandFixitycksum computes a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum for each given file, or standard input if none are given
ClocFile Format IdentificationCloc (Count Lines of Code) serves not only to count the lines of Code,but also guesses the programming language, thus can be used to identify files. It is a command line tool which is easy to use.
CloudCompareFile Format Migration
Multi Format Rendering
Metadata Extraction
CloudCompare is a tool for editing and processing 3D point clouds and triangular meshes.
CollectusMetadata ProcessingThe UVa Library's Collectus digital object collector tool allows users to to collect image or text objects from a repository.
ContextMinerMetadata Processing
Web Capture
ContextMiner is a framework to collect, analyze, and present the contextual information along with the data.
Crazy-fast-image-scanFile Format Identification
Content Profiling
A script to scan media very quickly to find out what kind of content it contains
Curator's WorkbenchMetadata ProcessingCurator's Workbench is a tool that automates and streamlines the process of preparing collections of digital materials for submission to a repository
CyberChefEncryption Detection
File Management
Metadata Extraction
Personal Archiving
Binary & Hexidecimal Editing
A forensic tool with workflow capabilities to analyse files and containers
DART (Digital Archivist's Resource Tool)Storage
File Management
Provides both a GUI and a command-line interface for packaging files and uploading them to remote repositories.
DBPTK DeveloperValidation
File Format Migration
DBPTK Developer - library and command-line tool for exection of database preservation actions
DIMAGMetadata Extraction
Preservation System
File Format Migration
A software suite supporting archives with preservation of digital information for eternity
DIMAG IngestListMetadata Extraction
Accompanies ingest process from donor to archive, logs process steps.
DNSMetadata Processing
File Format Migration
Preservation System
DNS - DA NRW Software Suite
DPF ManagerValidationA TIFF validity checker
DROID (Digital Record Object Identification)File Format Identification
Metadata Extraction
DROID (Digital Record Object Identification) is a software tool developed to perform automated batch identification of file formats.
DUMPBIN UtilityMetadata Extraction
File Format Identification
The DUMPBIN utility, which is provided with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Visual C++, combines the abilities of the LINK, LIB, and EXEHDR utilities.
DV AnalyzerQuality Assurance
Metadata Processing
DV Analyzer is a technical quality control and reporting tool that examines DV streams in order to report errors in the tape-to-file transfer process.
DVRescueQuality Assurance
Metadata Processing
DVRescue is archivist-made software that supports data migration from DV tapes into digital files suitable for long-term preservation.
DataCitePersistent Identification
Managing Active Research Data
Citation and Impact Tracking
DataCite works with data centres to assign persistent identifiers to datasets using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) infrastructure.
Quality Assurance
Framework for packaging the database Representation Information and pre-configured user-friendly access. Different combinations of Content Data Objects are supported by an automated deployment mechanism. Enables access to the archived databases in the archive reading room for non-technical users.
DemystifyMetadata Extraction
Content Profiling
Format Identification Analysis and Reporting
Dependency Discovery ToolDependency AnalysisThe Dependency Discovery Tool searches through binary office files (.doc, .xls and .ppt) and tries to find any documents or files that are linked to the document.
Developer Tools in QA: Novice's ToolkitQuality AssuranceA collaborative document which non-developers can adapt to record QA methods using built-in browser developer tools.
DiPS (Digital Preservation Solution)Access
Active Data Storage
File Format Identification
File Format Migration
File Management
Metadata Extraction
Preservation System
Secure Deletion
DiPS (OAIS compliant Digital Preservation Solution)
Directory List & PrintMetadata Extraction
File Management
A universal metadata extractor
Directory ReportMetadata ProcessingShow disk usage, directory printer, find duplicate files, rename files, show file CRC and maintain your files - all in 1 tool
DiskFormatIDDisk Imaging
File Format Identification
Identify floppy disk formats from kryoflux stream files
DisktypeMetadata Extraction
Disk Imaging
Tool for detecting the content format of a disk or disk image. It knows about common file systems, partition tables, and boot codes.
Docuteam packerAppraisal
Data capture and Deposit
File Management
Metadata Processing
Creates and edits SIPs
Quality Assurance
Document digitization workflow software
Double CommanderFixity
File Copy
Batch Rename
File Management
Open source file manager with two panels side by side
Duke Data AccessionerFile Copy
File Format Identification
Metadata Extraction
Data Accessioner provides a graphical user interface to aid in migrating data from physical media to a dedicated file server, documenting the process and using MD5 checksums to identify any errors introduced in transfer.
EMET (Embedded Metadata Extraction Tool)Metadata ExtractionEMET is a stand-alone tool designed to extract metadata embedded in JPEG and TIFF files.
EPADDMetadata Processing
Metadata Extraction
Content Profiling
ePADD is a software package developed by Stanford University's Special Collections & University Archives that supports archival processes around the appraisal, ingest, processing, discovery, and delivery of email archives.
EXE ExplorerMetadata ExtractionEXE Explorer reads and displays executable file properties and structure.
EXIF to DC XML normaliserFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
Extract EXIF data and normalise it to DC XML.
EZARKPersistent IdentificationARK identifiers management tool and sub-publishers registry
EZIDPersistent IdentificationEZID (easy-eye-dee) makes it easy to create and manage unique, persistent identifiers.
Easy CD-DA ExtractorFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
Disk Imaging
Easy CD-DA Extractor is CD Ripper, Music Converter, Audio Converter, Metadata Editor, and CD/DVD burning software.
EchoDep Hub and Spoke Framework Tool SuiteMetadata ProcessingTool suite to manage digital content in multiple repository systems.
EmbARCMetadata Processing
Quality Assurance
internal file metadata management including embedding and validation
Metadata Extraction
Encryption Detection
Validator for EPUB files
Exact Audio CopyFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
Disk Imaging
Exact Audio Copy is an audio grabber for audio CDs using standard CD and DVD-ROM drives on Windows only.
ExactFileFixityMaking sure that what you hash is what you get
ExempiMetadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
Exempi is a library for handling XMP metadata, based on the Adobe XMP SDK
ExifToolMetadata Processing
Metadata Extraction
Properties extraction, identification, metadata editing
Exiv2Metadata ProcessingExiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to manage image metadata.
Generates and compares MD5 values stored in an XML file.
FFAStransMetadata Extraction
File Format Identification
File Format Migration
Quality Assurance
Task automation engine, mostly used in audio and video visual content management.
FIDO (Format Identification for Digital Objects)Metadata Extraction
File Format Identification
A PRONOM based, command line, file format identification tool written in Python
FITS (File Information Tool Set)File Format Identification
Metadata Extraction
Encryption Detection
FITS allows data curators to identify, validate, and extract technical metadata for the objects in their digital repository.
File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester V2File Management
Metadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
Quality Assurance
The File Analyzer is a general purpose desktop (and command line) tool designed to automate simple, file-based operations. The File Analyzer assembles a toolkit of tasks a user can perform. The tasks that have been written into the File Analyzer code base have been optimized for use by libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions.
File Format Identification PronomFile Format IdentificationPerl API to analyze and handle droid (PRONOM) signatures
FileAlyzerMetadata ExtractionFileAlyzer allows a basic analysis of files (showing file properties and file contents in hex dump form) and is able to interpret common file contents like resources structures (like text, graphics, HTML, media and PE).
FileTroveMetadata ExtractionFileTrove indexes files and creates metadata from them. The single binary application walks a directory tree and identifies all regular files by type with Siegfried.
Windows utility for verifying file contents
FilestarFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
File Format Identification
Universal file converter for 900+ file types.
Fine Free File CommandFile Format IdentificationThis is the home page for the open source implementation of the file(1) command that ships with every free operating system (OpenBSD, Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, etc.
FingerdetQuality AssuranceQA tool for detecting fingers on digitised pages
FixiFixityFixi is a command-line utility that indexes, verifies, and updates checksum information for collections of files.
Fixity ProFixityFixity Pro is a desktop application for Windows and Mac that provides simple automated monitoring and reporting on the data integrity of your files that are stored on your computer, removable storage devices, and mounted network storage locations. Use Fixity Pro to schedule routine scans that will tell you if your files have been changed and if any files have been added, removed, or moved/renamed since the last scan that was performed.
Encryption Detection
Validates a file against a policy, using common validation tools
Binary & Hexidecimal Editing
Quality Assurance
File Format Identification
File Recovery
Metadata Extraction
Tool, language and decoders for working with binary data.
FreeCommanderFile Management
File Copy
Split-screen file manager with desirable extras
GNU DiffutilsDe-Duplication
Quality Assurance
GNU Diffutils is a package of several programs related to finding differences between files.
GNU libextractorMetadata ExtractionGNU libextractor is a library used to extract meta data from files of arbitrary type.
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