Metadata Processing

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Function definition: Tools that support the processing or management of metadata.
Lifecycle stage: Ingest

Tools for this function

7trainXSLT 2.0 tool for generating METS files from XML input
Adobe Photoshop ElementsA commercial image editor with a metadata module (Organizer).
Archifiltre-MailsArchifiltre-Mails connects to email containers and visualizes their content, helping you in exploring and adding metadata.
ArchivesSpaceArchivesSpace is the next-generation web-based archives information management system, designed by archivists and supported by diverse archival repositories.
Archivists' ToolkitAn open source archival data management system to provide broad, integrated support for the management of archives
ArchonArchon automatically publishes archival descriptive information and digital archival objects in a user-friendly website.
AudiAnnotateTo make audio and its interpretations more discoverable and usable by extending the use of the newest IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) standard for audio with the development of the AudiAnnotate web application, documented workflows and workshops that will facilitate the use of existing best-of-breed, open source tools for audio annotation (Sonic Visualiser), for public code and document repositories (GitHub), and audio presentation (Universal Viewer) to produce, publish, and sustain shareable W3C Web Annotations for individual and collaborative audio projects.
BWF MetaEditBWF MetaEdit permits embedding, validating, and exporting of metadata in Broadcast WAVE Format (BWF) files.
BitCuratorThe BitCurator Environment is an Ubuntu Linux distribution geared to the needs of archivists and librarians. It includes a suite of open source digital forensics and data analysis tools to help collecting institutions process born-digital materials.
BnL Mets ExporterCommand Line Interface (CLI) to export METS/ALTO documents to other formats.
CSV ValidatorValidation of CSV files against user-defined schema
CollectusThe UVa Library's Collectus digital object collector tool allows users to to collect image or text objects from a repository.
ContextMinerContextMiner is a framework to collect, analyze, and present the contextual information along with the data.
Curator's WorkbenchCurator's Workbench is a tool that automates and streamlines the process of preparing collections of digital materials for submission to a repository
DNSDNS - DA NRW Software Suite
DV AnalyzerDV Analyzer is a technical quality control and reporting tool that examines DV streams in order to report errors in the tape-to-file transfer process.
DVRescueDVRescue is archivist-made software that supports data migration from DV tapes into digital files suitable for long-term preservation.
Directory ReportShow disk usage, directory printer, find duplicate files, rename files, show file CRC and maintain your files - all in 1 tool
Docuteam packerCreates and edits SIPs
EPADDePADD is a software package developed by Stanford University's Special Collections & University Archives that supports archival processes around the appraisal, ingest, processing, discovery, and delivery of email archives.
EchoDep Hub and Spoke Framework Tool SuiteTool suite to manage digital content in multiple repository systems.
EmbARCinternal file metadata management including embedding and validation
ExempiExempi is a library for handling XMP metadata, based on the Adobe XMP SDK
ExifToolProperties extraction, identification, metadata editing
Exiv2Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to manage image metadata.
File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester V2The File Analyzer is a general purpose desktop (and command line) tool designed to automate simple, file-based operations. The File Analyzer assembles a toolkit of tasks a user can perform. The tasks that have been written into the File Analyzer code base have been optimized for use by libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions.
GeosetterA tool that sets coordinates and edits all kind of embedded image metadata.
GreenstoneA suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections
GumshoeSearch interface for metadata extracted from forensic disk images.
ICA-AtoMICA-AtoM allows organisations to create standards-based descriptions of their archival holdings and subsequently publish them to the Web.
ImageVerifierImageVerifier (IV for short) traverses a hierarchy of folders looking for image files to verify. It can verify TIFFs, JPEGs. PSDs, DNGs, and non-DNG raws (e.g., NEF, CR2).
InBoxerInBoxer is a next generation email archiving, IM archiving, e-discovery, and policy management system.
JabRefReference and bibliographic data manager
Karen's Directory PrinterKaren's Directory Printer can print the name of every file on a drive, along with the file's size, date and time of last modification, and attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive).
KoLibRI (Kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest)The kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest (koLibRI) represents a library of Java tools that have been developed for the interaction with the DIAS system of IBM within the kopal project.
Limb ProcessingSoftware for processing, enhancing and converting cultural heritage into digital cultural heritage
METS APIThe METS API is a Java API designed to aid developers in the processing and assembly of METS Documents.
METS NavigatorMETS-based system for displaying and navigating sets of page images or other multi-part digital objects.
METS Reader WriterPython library for processing and outputting METS/PREMIS XML according to the Archivematica METS profile.
MailStore HomeUnifies your private emails into one searchable, platform-independent repository
MdqcTool for managing and comparing digital asset metadata
Metadata++Freeware tool to view, edit, modify, extract, copy metadata of various formats.
NESSTARNesstar suite is an online publishing platform for organisations wishing to share datasets both internally and with the wider web.
NamalysatorTool for METS/ALTO validation and quality control
OpenRefineFor dealing with messy data, cleaning it and transforming it
OpenWMS (Workflow Management System for Digital Objects)The OpenWMS is a platform-independent, open source, web-accessible system that can be used as a standalone application or integrated with other repository architectures by a wide range of organizations.
PAIRTREE Librarysoftware library that supports the mapping between identifiers and filepaths according to the Pairtree Curation Microservices Specification.
PREMIS UtilityThe PREMIS Utility is a graphical program used to generate PREMIS metadata records for use in digital preservation systems and digital asset management systems in JSON and XML format, and attempts to cover gaps not programmatically generated by system logs.
Package HandlerView, create, edit, and validate Swiss archival packages
PiM (PREMIS in METS) ToolboxPREMIS in METS Toolbox was developed to support the implementation of PREMIS in the METS container format.
Pre-Ingest ToolA tool for generating an OAIS SIP for digital preservation. It produces METS document that contains metadata for digital preservation.
PremisshPremissh is a simple prototype tool for automatically creating PREMIS XML from a file, using DROID, BASH and XSLT.
Python XMP ToolkitLibrary for working with XMP metadata, as well as reading/writing XMP metadata stored in many different file formats
RE (Rename Expert)Controlled renaming of file collections
ReDBoxReDBox and Mint are two complimentary applications designed to create, store, and provide access to research metadata.
RosettaEx Libris Rosetta enables institutions to preserve and provide access to the collections in their care.
ShotwellAn open source photo manager capable of describing image collections for archival ingest.
Smithsonian CookProcessing of 3D model, mesh, and texture data including the option to define custom processing workflows, where a set of files is processed by multiple tools.
SobekCMSobekCM is a digital repository and digital scholarship/publishing system which enables easy deposit, preservation, and access for all types of digital content, tailored to the needs of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, scholars, and researchers.
SobekCM METS EditorCreation of METS documents from a folder of items with bibliographic metadata.
TOMES (Transforming Online Mail with Embedded Semantics)A package of open source tools for handling the preservation of government email records
TreeTree displays the directory structure of a path or of the disk in a drive graphically.
USGS Formal metadata: information and softwareThis page links to information and tools from the USGS.
VRenamervRenamer is a cross platform tool for batch renaming files
VoyeurVoyeur is a web-based text analysis environment that can use texts in a variety of formats, from different locations to perform lexical analysis, export data to other tools, and embed live tools into remote websites.
WCT (Web Curator Tool)Web Curator Tool (WCT) is a workflow management application for selective web archiving.
XMLstarletA set of command line utilities (tools) to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files