DBPTK Developer

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DBPTK Developer
DBPTK Developer - library and command-line tool for exection of database preservation actions
Source Code:https://github.com/keeps/dbptk-developer
Input Formats:MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Progress OpenEdge, Sybase ASA
Output Formats:SIARD1, SIARD2, SIARD DK
Function:Validation,File Format Migration


The Database Preservation Toolkit allows conversion between Database formats, including connection to live systems, for purposes of digitally preserving databases. The toolkit allows conversion of live or backed-up databases into preservation formats such as SIARD, a XML-based format created for the purpose of database preservation. The toolkit also allows conversion of the preservation formats back into live systems to allow the full functionality of databases.

This toolkit was part of the RODA project and now has been released as a project by its own due to the increasing interest on this particular feature. It is now being further developed in the EARK project together with a new version of the SIARD preservation format.

The toolkit is created as a platform that uses input and output modules. Each module supports read and/or write to a particular database format or live system. New modules can easily be added by implementation of a new interface and adding of new drivers.

User Experiences[edit]