EXIF to DC XML normaliser

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Extract EXIF data and normalise it to DC XML.
Function:File Format Migration,Metadata Extraction
Content type:Image

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This OS-independent tool enables you to read EXIF-data from an image file using ExifTool and normalise this to Dublin Core compatible XML adding specific metadata which is contained in an .ini file. The XML output templates can be tailored to one's needs. Tool is able to handle single files, or recurse through a folder. Output is written to STDOUT, unless an output XML file is specified.

Please note this tool is a prototype and adds very specific institutional metadata from The State University of New York at Binghamton, though the code can be changed very easy to your own needs.

User Experiences[edit]


Development Activity[edit]

Release and Activity Feed[edit]

2013-04-11 23:33:51
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/ee8f15470e237667e7de6e6eac1a5e81cf4c6d0f Added minimal README file.]
by carlwilson https://github.com/carlwilson
2013-04-11 23:33:15
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/2b2e9288797426a50a2242159685763657d83ceb Added basic OPF Metadata file.]
by carlwilson https://github.com/carlwilson
2012-11-29 13:37:17
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/3f693062edf164334b3b18c0c6dcfa85443266ac Clean up README (more)]
by aamato https://github.com/aamato
2012-11-29 13:35:55
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/503097b38d1c6c7b0e09bcbe5bb955fb53f9dcf4 Clean up README]
by aamato https://github.com/aamato
2012-11-29 13:33:09
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/5c7f8dacc3aeb3ced8e88867abaf3241717c4df9 Add sample screenshots]
by aamato https://github.com/aamato
2012-11-29 13:32:58
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/d7c064568c44fbfcb71b6ede89825f815b9c6843 Start working on README page]
by aamato https://github.com/aamato
2012-11-29 13:20:02
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/d56caf34416c006513a34ac132848743208c41ae Replace draft notes with final notes.]
by aamato https://github.com/aamato