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Function definition: Tools that support the validation of digital files, typically against a file format specification.
Lifecycle stage: Ingest

Tools for this function

3-Heights(TM) PDF Validator3-Heights(TM) PDF Validator from PDF-Tools AG.
ADC TestTests and reports on audio analog-to-digital converters
Apache PDFBoxJAVA PDF library for creation, manipulation, validation and content extraction of PDF documents
BWF MetaEditBWF MetaEdit permits embedding, validating, and exporting of metadata in Broadcast WAVE Format (BWF) files.
Bad PeggyScans for damaged images and photos.
BitCuratorThe BitCurator Environment is an Ubuntu Linux distribution geared to the needs of archivists and librarians. It includes a suite of open source digital forensics and data analysis tools to help collecting institutions process born-digital materials.
BorgFormatFormat verification
CSV ValidatorValidation of CSV files against user-defined schema
Checkit tiffa tool to validate TIFF files against given configuration profile
DBPTK DeveloperDBPTK Developer - library and command-line tool for exection of database preservation actions
DNSDNS - DA NRW Software Suite
DPF ManagerA TIFF validity checker
DiPS (Digital Preservation Solution)DiPS (OAIS compliant Digital Preservation Solution)
Duke Data AccessionerData Accessioner provides a graphical user interface to aid in migrating data from physical media to a dedicated file server, documenting the process and using MD5 checksums to identify any errors introduced in transfer.
EpubCheckValidator for EPUB files
FITS (File Information Tool Set)FITS allows data curators to identify, validate, and extract technical metadata for the objects in their digital repository.
File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester V2The File Analyzer is a general purpose desktop (and command line) tool designed to automate simple, file-based operations. The File Analyzer assembles a toolkit of tasks a user can perform. The tasks that have been written into the File Analyzer code base have been optimized for use by libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions.
FlintValidates a file against a policy, using common validation tools
FqTool, language and decoders for working with binary data.
ImageVerifierImageVerifier (IV for short) traverses a hierarchy of folders looking for image files to verify. It can verify TIFFs, JPEGs. PSDs, DNGs, and non-DNG raws (e.g., NEF, CR2).
JHOVE (Harvard Object Validation Environment)JHOVE provides functions to perform format-specific identification, validation, and characterization of digital objects.
JHOVE2JHOVE2 allows data curators to characterise the digital objects in their repositories.
JWATJava Web Archive Toolkit
Jp2StructCheckSimple JP2 file structure checker
JpylyzerJP2 validation + properties extraction
KOST-SimyThe KOST-Simy application is used for Compare Images.
KOST-ValKOST-Val is an open source validator for different file formats and Submission Information Package (SIP).
MP3valMP3val is a small, high-speed, free software tool for checking MPEG audio files' integrity.
MediaConchMediaConch is a file validation software.
Mets-bag-checkerMETS Bag checker is a simple python tool to check the validity of METS Information Packages (XML validity, completeness, Data Objects fixity, absence of unreferenced files).
NamalysatorTool for METS/ALTO validation and quality control
ODF ValidatorODF Validator is a tool that validates OpenDocument files and checks them for certain conformance criteria.
PDF Tools (by Didier Stevens)Tools for parsing and analysing PDF documents
PDFTron PDF-A ManagerPDF/A Manager is a PDF/A (ISO 19005) validation and conversion software.
Package HandlerView, create, edit, and validate Swiss archival packages
PdfaPilotpdfaPilot: Conversion of documents and emails into robust, searchable PDF or PDF/A files
PdfcpuA Go library and command line tool for PDF processing incl. validation
PiM (PREMIS in METS) ToolboxPREMIS in METS Toolbox was developed to support the implementation of PREMIS in the METS container format.
Pre-Ingest ToolA tool for generating an OAIS SIP for digital preservation. It produces METS document that contains metadata for digital preservation.
Python DPX validatorA lightweight DPX file format validator.
SIARD-VALSIARD-Val is an open source validator for SIARD files.
TIFF-ValTIFF-Val is an open source validator for TIFF files.
UKWA GSuite Add-OnGSuite functions for people working with web archives. The functions use the Memento API (specifically the TimeGate) to look up whether a given archive holds a given URL. It currently supports checks against:
  • UK Web Archive
  • UK Government Web Archive
  • Internet Archive
VeraPDFPDF/A validation tool
W3C Markup Validation ServiceThis is the World Wide Web Consortium's validation tool.
WarctoolsCommand line tools and libraries for handling and manipulating WARC files (and HTTP contents)