Preservation Planning

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Lifecycle stage definition: Functions that support the DCC Lifecycle stage defined as "Plan for preservation throughout the curation lifecycle of digital material. This would include plans for management and administration of all curation lifecycle actions."
Lifecycle order: 3

Functions within this lifecycle stage

BenefitsTools that enable the identification and articulation of the benefits of preservation and curation.
Citation and Impact TrackingTools that support the citation of data and the tracking of the impact of usage of that data.
Content ProfilingTools that build a profile of the characteristics of digital content, typically by combining or analysing a number of sources of information such as extracted metadata and file format identifications.
CostingTools that support the calculation or prediction of the cost of preservation or curation activities.
Data Management PlanningTools that support the development of research data management plans and related activities.
Organisational AuditTools that that enable an audit of an organisation's capability with respect to preservation, typically relating to a maturity model
PlanningTools that support the planning of preservation activities.
PolicyTools that support the development and management of digital preservation policy.

Tools for this lifecycle stage

Repository-wide reporting for Archivematica and its Storage Service
AOR (Assessing Organisational Readiness)PlanningAssessing Institutional Digital Assets: Self-assessment tool for describing institutional readiness and capabilities for digital asset management and digital preservation
Autopsy Digital ForensicsAppraisal
Content Profiling
Disk Imaging
Open source, free digital forensics tool
BrunnhildeMetadata Extraction
Content Profiling
Siegfried-based characterization of directories and disk images
C3POContent Profiling
Metadata Extraction
C3PO is a content profiling tool for visualization and preservation analysis
Data Management Planning
Organisational Audit
CARDIO is a benchmarking tool for data management strategy development
CMDP (Cost Model for Digital Preservation)CostingThe Cost Model for Digital Preservation (CDMP) is a tool that calculates the present and future costs of three sets of activities associated with preservation of digital collections.
CTS (Core Trust Seal)Organisational AuditCoreTrustSeal offers to any interested data repository, certification based on the DSA–WDS Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements catalogue and procedures
Catalogue of Policy ElementsPolicySupports creation of new preservation policies as well as planning and watch activities.
Cost of Inaction CalculatorCosting
A calculator to analyze the Cost of Inaction of not digitizing/preserving audiovisual assets
Crazy-fast-image-scanFile Format Identification
Content Profiling
A script to scan media very quickly to find out what kind of content it contains
D-Net Software KitPlanning
Data Management Planning
Managing Active Research Data
Software Kit creates a network of repositories that share the infrastructure services necessary to process and provide access to digital content.
DMAOnline (Data Management Administration Online)Data Management Planning
Organisational Audit
Provides a single dashboard view of how various departments contribute to RDM activities and how an institution is performing in terms of its compliance with policies
Data Management Planning
Managing Active Research Data
DMPTool is an online service to enable researchers to create data management plans now required by many funding agencies, and to receive tailored institutional guidance to help them in the process.
Data Management Planning
Managing Active Research Data
DMPonline is the DCC's data management planning tool.
DPBCT (Digital Preservation Business Case Toolkit)BenefitsA comprehensive toolkit to help practitioners and middle managers build business cases to fund digital preservation activities.
DPC RAM (Rapid Assessment Model)Organisational AuditA maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization's digital preservation capability.
DPCMM (Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model)Organisational Audit
Maturity / gap analysis model for digital preservation
DRAMBORAOrganisational Audit
DRAMBORA offers a quantifiable insight into the severity of risks faced by repositories right now, and an effective means for reporting these.
Data Asset FrameworkPlanning
Organisational Audit
The Data Asset Framework (formerly the Data Audit Framework) provides organisations with the means to identify, locate, describe and assess how they are managing their research data assets.
DataCitePersistent Identification
Managing Active Research Data
Citation and Impact Tracking
DataCite works with data centres to assign persistent identifiers to datasets using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) infrastructure.
DemystifyMetadata Extraction
Content Profiling
Format Identification Analysis and Reporting
Digital Preservation Management Tools and TechniquesPlanning
A toolset for developing standards compliant digital preservation management documentation on an array of topics
Digital Preservation Policy FrameworkPolicyA Policy Framework template to help organizations develop a high-level policy document that explicitly states the scope, purpose, objectives, operating principles, and context of the organization's digital curation and preservation program.
EPADDMetadata Processing
Metadata Extraction
Content Profiling
ePADD is a software package developed by Stanford University's Special Collections & University Archives that supports archival processes around the appraisal, ingest, processing, discovery, and delivery of email archives.
Embedding Repositories Self-Assessment ToolOrganisational Audit
Embedding Repositories Self-Assessment Tool is comprised of a series of questions designed to quantify the degree that a digital repository is ‘embedded’ within its institution – the extent to which both the organisation's research and its administrative culture recognise the repository’s value and take full advantage of its capacity.
FFAStransMetadata Extraction
File Format Identification
File Format Migration
Quality Assurance
Task automation engine, mostly used in audio and video visual content management.
Binary & Hexidecimal Editing
Quality Assurance
File Format Identification
File Recovery
Metadata Extraction
Tool, language and decoders for working with binary data.
Quality Assurance
Workflow Management Tool
HoliRisk is a framework and online tool to support the development of a risk assessment based on principles from ISO31000.
ImpactStoryCitation and Impact TrackingImpactStory (previously Total-Impact) allows researchers and organisations to gather a wide range of impact metrics about multiple forms of scholarly output.
KRDS (Keeping Research Data Safe) Benefits Analysis ToolkitCosting
Benefits Analysis Toolkit guides users through a process of identifying, assessing, and communicating the benefits from investing resources in the curation and long-term preservation of research data.
Levels of Born-Digital AccessAccess
Organisational Audit
A tiered set of recommendations that help guide organizations in the planning and implementation of born-digital access provisions.
MediaConchFile Format Identification
MediaConch is a file validation software.
MendeleyAcademic Social Networking
Citation and Impact Tracking
Mendeley is a combination web service and desktop application that allows users to create, manage, and share collections of references.
NARA Preservation Planning FrameworkPlanningNARA complete Preservation Plan collection for all their object types, requesting your interaction.
NDSA Levels of PreservationPlanning
Organisational Audit
The "Levels of Digital Preservation" are a tiered set of recommendations for how organizations should begin to build or enhance their digital preservation activities.
OPD for RDMOrganisational AuditAn RDF based list of basic RDM infrastructure components to make this infrastructure more visible and easier to identify
OpenDOARPolicyOpenDOAR is a simple, web-based tool that guides repository administrators through the process of creating basic policies for the submission, re-use, and preservation of digital materials.
PLATOPlanningPlato is a preservation-planning tool for organisations charged with safeguarding digital materials.
Perma.ccPersonal Archiving
Citation and Impact Tracking
A tool that captures, stores, plays-back and provides a new URL for web citation. Built and maintained at the Harvard Law School Library.
RMCASOrganisational Audit
RMCAS is an assessment tool for organisations wishing to map their current records management infrastructure against community best-practice.
ReaderMeterCitation and Impact TrackingReaderMeter is a web-based service that compiles readership information about scientific content to create an estimate of the content's community impact.
SCOUTPlanningA brief description
TOMES (Transforming Online Mail with Embedded Semantics)File Format Migration
Content Profiling
Metadata Processing
Data capture and Deposit
A package of open source tools for handling the preservation of government email records
Tufts Submission-Agreement Builder ToolPlanning
Data capture and Deposit
SABT is a web-based tool that guides records creators and records managers through the process of creating submission agreements, both for single transfers and for standing submissions.
Web Archive DiscoveryMetadata Extraction
File Format Identification
Content Profiling
Indexing and discovery tools for web archives.
WebCitePersistent Identification
Web Capture
Citation and Impact Tracking
WebCite is an on-demand web archiving service that takes snapshots of Internet-accessible digital objects at the behest of users, storing the data on their own servers and assigning unique identifiers to those instances of the material.
Content Profiling
YARA is a tool that allows the identification of files that match user-defined textual or binary patterns