Tufts Submission-Agreement Builder Tool

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SABT is a web-based tool that guides records creators and records managers through the process of creating submission agreements, both for single transfers and for standing submissions.
Function:Planning,Data capture and Deposit
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The Tufts Submission-Agreement Builder Tool (SABT) is a web-based tool that guides records creators and records managers through the process of creating submission agreements, both for single transfers and for standing submissions. Following an accompanying XML schema, the tool prompts the user to input data that has been determined to be necessary for a complete agreement, ultimately producing a finished document. The SABT was designed for use with electronic records, but can presumably be adapted.


The Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) at Tufts University, as part of the Tufts Accessioning Program for Electronic Records (TAPER) project

Licensing and cost[edit]

GNU Affero General Public License – free.

Platform and interoperability[edit]

The SABT requires a modern Unix-based OS and has been shown to work on Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X.  It should be possible to run it on Windows, but this is untested. SABT is designed for the Apache web server and FastCGI. It also requires Perl, version 5.8.8 or later, to support the Catalyst web framework, MySQL, version 5 or later, the GNU C compiler and the Make utility.

Functional notes[edit]

The tool creates agreements for both standing submissions, which cover serial ingest projects, and regular submissions covering a single ingest. The tool uses three XML schemas to do so: one for regular submissions, one for standing submissions, and one for common elements between the two. The access platform for the SABT is designed to be integrated into an institution's own website; it does not function as a stand-alone application.

Documentation and user support[edit]

The DCA created three pairs of instructional videos and guides that walk through the steps of using the SABT. These guides are in the context of the Tufts implementation of the software, but are illustrative of its general functionality. The software’s github site includes extensive user documentation for both the SABT and the XML schema. The access platform’s developer documentation is attached to the Perl modules that define its backend.


Demonstrations of the web interface seem simple and intuitive. However, the fact that the web application is designed to be integrated into an existing repository website render setup and configuration quite complex.

Expertise required[edit]

Installation and configuration require solid knowledge of web application design and technologies, and system administration. Records managers should review the XML schemas to determine whether the elements match the requirements for their repository.

Standards compliance[edit]

The DCA created its own XML schemas for submission agreement elements. No information is available regarding any standards underlying the schema.

Influence and take-up[edit]

The Tufts DCA uses the SABT and the accompanying XML schemas. Information regarding wider use is unavailable.

User Experiences[edit]

Development Activity[edit]

The SABT code was released July 2011. The TAPER Project has ended; however, since the SABT is at the centre of the DCA accessioning workflow, it should presumably remain supported.

All development activity is visible on GitHub: http://github.com/TuftsUniversity/sabt/commits

Release Feed[edit]

Below the last 3 release feeds: Failed to load RSS feed from https://github.com/TuftsUniversity/sabt/releases.atom: Error parsing XML for RSS

Activity Feed[edit]

Below the last 5 commits:

2011-07-27 17:59:42
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/d64dce5f449450567dd914f3b2356b4896df9dc9 svn merge -r 95698:95706 /tdr/bin/taper-trunk]
by dkapla02@30e6160e-469f-4000-86ef-8ea788e09201
2011-07-27 14:15:56
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/b9369d05460ae1eb948f594e054f793ef3a7570c Emerging from trunk the shift of the readme file to the top level]
by dkapla02@30e6160e-469f-4000-86ef-8ea788e09201
2011-07-11 22:29:02
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/f36de5f9b9a1b053a37e4f8643fe48c2b2e4a667 Merged r95623 from `trunk` to `production`.]
by dorlea01@30e6160e-469f-4000-86ef-8ea788e09201
2011-05-11 21:14:25
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/f678d08eb169ba2f7baf1bee5cecd321ca48c30a Merge r94891:95328 from trunk to production.]
by dorlea01@30e6160e-469f-4000-86ef-8ea788e09201
2011-01-26 20:20:41
[tag:github.com,2008:Grit::Commit/32fbb200508d2edb607f5756c69d2b67c05925a0 Merged r2795 through r94889 from trunk to production.]
by dorlea01@30e6160e-469f-4000-86ef-8ea788e09201