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Lifecycle Stage:
Content Type:

Not content-type specific tools: Preservation Action[edit]

Functions that support the DCC Lifecycle stage defined as "Undertake actions to ensure long-term preservation and retention of the authoritative nature of data. Preservation actions should ensure that data remains authentic, reliable and usable while maintaining its integrity. Actions include data cleaning, validation, assigning preservation metadata, assigning representation information and ensuring acceptable data structures or file formats."

AccessData Decryption Tools X
Advanced Renamer X
AllDup X
Archivematica X
Autopsy Digital Forensics X
BAT: BnfArcTools X
BitCurator XX
Bulk Rename Utility X
CDS Convert X
Czkawka XX
DBPTK Developer X
Dcfldd X
Dd rescue X
Demystify X
Detox X
Digital Preservation Recorder X
Dioscuri X
Directory List & Print X
DiskView X
DocMorph: Electronic Document Conversion X
Docuteam cosmos X
Double Commander XX
DupeGuru X
ElcomSoft X
Explore2fs X
File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester V2 XX
FileVerifier++ X
FolderMatch X
Foremost X
FreeCommander XX
Fslint XX
GNU Diffutils XX
GetDataBack X
IBM Digital Asset Preservation Tool X
Java library implementing Pairtree XX
Kernel-based virtual machine X
Library (xklb) XX
Linux-VServer X
MRU-Blaster X
MSIL Disassembler (Ildasm.exe) X
Micr'Olonys X
Microsoft Office 2003 Add-in: Word Redaction v1.2 X
Microsoft Office 2003/XP Add-in: Remove Hidden Data X
Mplayer X
Mutlivalent X
NT (New Tool) XX
Ontrack EasyRecovery X
Open Office XX
OpenVZ wiki X
OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office X
Oracle Outside In Technology X
Package Handler X
Password Recovery Software X
PhotoRec X
Quick View Plus XX
RE (Rename Expert) X
RapidRedact X
ReACT (Resource Audit and Comparison Tool) XX
ReNamer X
Recovery is Possible X
Redact-It X
Redax X
Remove Empty Directories X
Restorer Ultimate X
Rosetta X
SSDeep X
Safecopy X
SalvageData Recovery X
SheepShaver X
SobekCM X
SpinRite X
Sumfolder1 X
TeraCopy X
TestDisk X
The Rename X
Tree X
TreeSize X
Unrm X
VRenamer X
VeraCrypt X
WinMerge XX
Windows Virtual PC X
Wine X
Xen X
Xena X
ZAR (Zero Assumption Recovery) X