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File Format Migration
Pure Java implementation of a JPEG2000 decoder
JPCEmulationJPC is the fast pure Java x86 PC emulator.
JWATMetadata Extraction
File Format Migration
Java Web Archive Toolkit
Java library implementing PairtreeFile Management
The PAIRTREE LIBRARY is a software library that supports the mapping between identifiers and filepaths according to the Pairtree Specification.
Quality Assurance
Metadata Extraction
Simple JP2 file structure checker
Quality Assurance
Metadata Extraction
JP2 validation + properties extraction
KEEP Emulation FrameworkEmulationKEEP Emulation Framework (EF) allows users to view and interact with digital files that otherwise would require obsolete hardware and software.
Quality Assurance
The KOST-Simy application is used for Compare Images.
Quality Assurance
KOST-Val is an open source validator for different file formats and Submission Information Package (SIP).
File Format Migration
JPEG 2000 SDK, includes encoder/decoder
Kernel-based virtual machineEmulationKVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V).
LegacyFileConverterFile Format MigrationConverts document formats to RTF
Library (xklb)File Management
Quality Assurance
Web Capture
Media indexing multi-tool
LibreofficeFile Format MigrationAn office suite with command line options for PDF/A conversions
LingfoFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
Lingfo provides a library for developers to use to extract information from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.
Linux-VServerEmulationLinux-VServer provides virtualization for GNU/Linux systems.
LuraDocument PDF CompressorFile Format MigrationLuraDocument PDF Compressor is a document conversion engine.
MDB/ACCDB ViewerFile Format MigrationMDB Viewer opens Microsoft Access 1997-2013 databases on your Macintosh, and views and exports all tables in Access databases.
METS NavigatorRendering
Metadata Processing
METS-based system for displaying and navigating sets of page images or other multi-part digital objects.
MIXED (Migration to Intermediate XML for Electronic Data)File Format MigrationMIXED (Migration to Intermediate XML for Electronic Data) is a web service that converts tabular data files such as spreadsheets and databases to the Standard Data Format for Preservation (SDFP), a supplier-independent XML format.
Quality Assurance
MP3val is a small, high-speed, free software tool for checking MPEG audio files' integrity.
MPG321File Format Migrationmpg321 is a command-line mp3 player. mpg321 is used for frontends, as an mp3 player and as an mp3 to wave file decoder.
MPP ViewerAccess
File Format Migration
MPP Viewer is a viewer for Microsoft Project files
MPlayerRRRenderingA movie player that runs on many systems, supports a wide range of formats and supports a wide range of output drivers
MRU-Blaster is a program made to do one large task - detect and clean MRU (most recently used) lists on your computer.
MSIL Disassembler (Ildasm.exe)File Format MigrationThe MSIL Disassembler is a companion tool to the MSIL Assembler (Ilasm.
MailStore HomeMetadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
File Management
Unifies your private emails into one searchable, platform-independent repository
Matchbox ToolQuality Assurance
Matchbox: Duplicate detection tool for digital document collections.
MdqcMetadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
Quality Assurance
Tool for managing and comparing digital asset metadata
MeshLabRenderingA tool for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering, texturing, converting, and editing 3D triangular meshes.
Passive Data Storage
File Recovery
Micr’Olonys is the software solution for long-term passive digital archiving on film and paper.
Microsoft Office 2003 Add-in: Word Redaction v1.2Redaction
Use the Word 2003 Redaction Add-in to hide text within Microsoft Office Word 2003 documents.
Microsoft Office 2003/XP Add-in: Remove Hidden DataRedaction
With this add-in you can permanently remove hidden data and collaboration data, such as change tracking and comments, from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint files.
MplayerRenderingA movie player that runs on many systems, supports a wide range of formats and supports a wide range of output drivers
MutlivalentRenderingMultivalent works on digital documents research and development.
NARA Video Frame AnalyzerMetadata Extraction
Quality Assurance
NARA Video Frame Analyzer analyzes technical properties of individual frames of a video file in order to detect quality issues within digitized video files.
NT (New Tool)De-Duplication
This is a presrvation tool
NamalysatorMetadata Processing
Quality Assurance
Tool for METS/ALTO validation and quality control
Nitro ProFile Format MigrationA PDF handling tool including PDF/A
NumaHOPQuality Assurance
Platform for digitization projects management
Ontrack EasyRecoveryFile RecoveryOntrack EasyRecovery software products offer home users or businesses complete solutions for their data recovery, file repair and disk diagnostic needs.
Open OfficeRendering
File Format Migration 3 is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more.
Open Video ConverterFile Format MigrationThis tool is for video conversion, splitting and editing.
OpenJPEGFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language.
OpenVZ wikiEmulationOpenVZ is container-based virtualization for Linux.
OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for OfficeFile Format MigrationThe goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.
Oracle Outside In TechnologyFile Format MigrationOutside In Technology is a suite of software development kits (SDKs) that provides developers with a comprehensive solution to access, transform and control the contents of over 500 unstructured file formats.
PDFTron PDF-A ManagerValidation
File Format Migration
PDF/A Manager is a PDF/A (ISO 19005) validation and conversion software.
PDFsam splits and merges PDF files
Package HandlerFile Management
Metadata Processing
Personal Archiving
View, create, edit, and validate Swiss archival packages
PagelyzerMetadata Extraction
Quality Assurance
Suite of tools for detecting changes in web pages and their rendering
PandocFile Format MigrationA universal converter that converts files from one markup format into another
Password Recovery SoftwareDecryptionPassware software recovers or resets passwords for Windows, Word , Excel, QuickBooks, Access, Acrobat, and more than 180 document types.
Metadata Extraction
File Format Migration
pdfaPilot: Conversion of documents and emails into robust, searchable PDF or PDF/A files
PdftkMetadata Extraction
PDF manipulation tool
PhotoRecFile RecoveryPhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost files including video, documents and archives from hard disks, CD-ROMs, and lost pictures (thus the Photo Recovery name) from digital camera memory.
PhotoRescueDisk Imaging
File Recovery
PhotoRescue is a picture and data recovery solution for digital film - sd cards, compact flash, memory sticks, microdrive, etc.
PiM (PREMIS in METS) ToolboxFile Format Migration
Metadata Processing
PREMIS in METS Toolbox was developed to support the implementation of PREMIS in the METS container format.
A free open-source WebGL based point cloud renderer for large point clouds.
QCToolsQuality AssuranceDigitized analog video analysis
QGISFile Format Migration
Multi Format Rendering
QGIS is a Free and Open Source GIS application that supports a wide range of raster and vector spatial data types.
QpdfMetadata Extraction
QPDF is a command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files
Quick View PlusRendering
Multi Format Rendering
View virtually all the files and e-mail attachments you need, instantly without purchasing numerous software programs.
RE (Rename Expert)Metadata Processing
File Management
Controlled renaming of file collections
RODA DBMLFile Format MigrationMigrates databases to an XML schema, DBML. Can then provide access by dumping DBML to MySQL and showing it in phpMyAdmin.
The RapidRedact product range provides fast, easy to use redaction tools for irreversibly blanking out (redacting) selected information, author's changes and hidden data from all electronic document types.
ReACT (Resource Audit and Comparison Tool)File Management
Quality Assurance
A file audit and comparison tool using Microsoft Excel and VBA.
ReNamerFile ManagementReNamer is a very powerful and flexible file renaming tool.
ReactOSEmulationReactOS is a free and open-source operating system for personal computers intended to be binary-compatible with computer programs and device drivers made for Windows Server 2003 and later versions of Windows.
RecomputeEmulationAutomatically generates "playable" virtual machines from source code on github
Recovery is PossibleFile RecoveryRecovery Is Possible (RIP) is a CD or USB boot/rescue/backup/maintenance system.
Provides Windows desktop and server redaction of PDF, Word, scanned TIFF images. Find, black out and remove content within documents, images or drawings.
Redax completely redacts (removes) text and graphics from the PDF page.
Remove Empty DirectoriesFile ManagementRemoves empty directories
Restorer UltimateFile RecoveryRestorer Ultimate offers data recovery software.
RosettaPreservation System
Metadata Processing
File Format Migration
Ex Libris Rosetta enables institutions to preserve and provide access to the collections in their care.
SIARD SuiteFile Format MigrationSIARD Suite is a freeware tool for the conversion of contents of relations databases into the SIARD format.
Quality Assurance
SIARD-Val is an open source validator for SIARD files.
SIARDexcerptQuality Assurance
SIARDexcerpt is a Java-based application that searches and extracts individual records of SIARD files.
SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS PluginData capture and Deposit
Web Capture
File Format Migration
Plugin for QGIS. Fetches data from Wikidata and other Linked Data SPARQL endpoints and adds a new layer in a QGIS project. Just insert a SPARQL query for Geo-Items and get a new vector layer into QGIS.
Recursive piecewise hashing tool
SafecopyFile Recoverylow level data recovery tool
SalvageData RecoveryFile RecoverySalvageData Recovery software tools and products are designed to empower both IT professionals and average personal computer users with all the functionalities and features needed to successfully salvage and recover data files from any kind of logical data loss situation.
SheepShaverEmulationSheepShaver is a MacOS run-time environment for BeOS and Linux that allows you to run classic MacOS applications inside the BeOS/Linux multitasking environment.
File Format Migration
File Management
Sling is a CLI tool that extracts data from a source storage/database and loads it in a target storage/database.
Smithsonian CookFile Format Migration
Metadata Extraction
Metadata Processing
Processing of 3D model, mesh, and texture data including the option to define custom processing workflows, where a set of files is processed by multiple tools.
Metadata Processing
Preservation System
Quality Assurance
SobekCM is a digital repository and digital scholarship/publishing system which enables easy deposit, preservation, and access for all types of digital content, tailored to the needs of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, scholars, and researchers.
SpinRiteFile RecoverySpinRite is a magnetic storage data recovery, repair, and maintenance utility.
SsconvertFile Format Migrationssconvert is a command line utility to convert spreadsheet files between various spreadsheet file formats.
Sumatra PDFRenderingOpen source, fast, PDF and eBook viewer
sumfolder1 is a utility for use within the archival and digital preservation community to generate checksums for file system directories, and to generate an overall "collection" checksum for a given set of files. The utility may be used in support of de-duplication at a directory/folder level.
Switch Audio File ConverterFile Format MigrationSwitch is a universal audio converter that supports a wide range of formats.
Quality Assurance
TIFF-Val is an open source validator for TIFF files.
TOMES (Transforming Online Mail with Embedded Semantics)File Format Migration
Content Profiling
Metadata Processing
Data capture and Deposit
A package of open source tools for handling the preservation of government email records
TarRenderingThe Tar program provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as various other kinds of manipulation.
File Copy
File Management
Performs file copying, whilst also logging and verifying accuracy and completeness by using checksums
TestDiskFile RecoveryTestDisk is powerful free data recovery software that was primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error (such as accidentally deleting a Partition Table).
The DeDuplicator (Heritrix add-on module)De-Duplication
Web Capture
The DeDuplicator is an add-on module for Heritrix to reduce the amount of duplicate data collected in a series of snapshot crawls.
The RenameFile ManagementBulk renaming of files
TreeMetadata Processing
File Management
Tree displays the directory structure of a path or of the disk in a drive graphically.