KoLibRI (Kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest)

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The kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest (koLibRI) represents a library of Java tools that have been developed for the interaction with the DIAS system of IBM within the kopal project.
Input Formats:METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard)
Output Formats:METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard)
Function:Metadata Processing,Pre-ingest SIP Builder
Content type:Metadata
Error in widget Ohloh Project: unable to write file /var/www/html/extensions/Widgets/compiled_templates/wrt67792792b306b8_17074358


The kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest (koLibRI) represents a library of Java tools that have been developed for the interaction with the DIAS system of IBM within the kopal project.

User Experiences[edit]

Development Activity[edit]