Run query: Tool Grid query

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Lifecycle Stage:
Content Type:

Not content-type specific tools: Create or Receive (Acquire)[edit]

Functions that support the DCC Lifecycle Stage defined as "Create data including administrative, descriptive, structural and technical metadata. Preservation metadata may also be added at the time of creation. Receive data, in accordance with documented collecting policies, from data creators, other archives, repositories or data centres, and if required assign appropriate metadata."

ANTS (Archives Network Transfer System) X
ArchiveBox X
Autopsy Digital Forensics XX
BIL (BagIt Library) X
BagIt Transfer Utilities X
Bagger X
Brunnhilde X
CloneCD X
ContextMiner X
Cp Unix command X
Cryptcat X
Curate.Us X
Czkawka X
DIMAG IngestList X
Dc3dd for computer forensics X
Dcfldd X
Dd Unix command X
Dd rescue X
Double Commander X
DriveImage XML X
Duke Data Accessioner XX
Exactly X
Find It! Keep It! X
FreeCommander X
GetDriveInfo2 X
Heritrix plug-in for rich media capture X
Library (xklb) X
Lunas X
Metaproducts X
Micr'Olonys X
Package Handler X
Power ISO X
RARC (ARC replicator) X
Rocfl X
SafeBack X
SafeMover XX
Snagit X
Sumfolder1 X
TeraCopy XX
Tree X
TreeSize X
Tufts Submission-Agreement Builder Tool X
VeraCrypt X
Virtual CloneDrive X
XXCopy X
Xcopy X