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Content definition: Tools that support the preservation of data describing geographical or topographical features, typically referred to as Geospatial data.

Tools for this content type

ArchiFiltre Overview of folder trees with fine diagrams XXX
Filestar Universal file converter for 900+ file types. XXX
Leaflet Open-source JavaScript library for building interactive maps (OpenStreetMap) X
QGIS QGIS is a Free and Open Source GIS application that supports a wide range of raster and vector spatial data types. XX
SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin Plugin for QGIS. Fetches data from Wikidata and other Linked Data SPARQL endpoints and adds a new layer in a QGIS project. Just insert a SPARQL query for Geo-Items and get a new vector layer into QGIS. XXX
USGS Formal metadata: information and software This page links to information and tools from the USGS. X

Available best practice guides[edit]

Available tools for R programming language[edit]