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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
myExperiment is an online social networking service aimed at scientific researchers; the site fosters collaboration by allowing members to share scientific workflows, experiment plans, and other digital objects.  +
NARA File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester allows a user to analyze the contents of a file system or external drive and generates statistics about the contents of the contained directories.  +
NARA complete Preservation Plan collection for all their object types, requesting your interaction.  +
NARA Video Frame Analyzer analyzes technical properties of individual frames of a video file in order to detect quality issues within digitized video files.  +
The "Levels of Digital Preservation" are a tiered set of recommendations for how organizations should begin to build or enhance their digital preservation activities.  +
Nesstar suite is an online publishing platform for organisations wishing to share datasets both internally and with the wider web.  +
A version of [ NOID] in Ruby  +
The NSRL provides a large data set of metadata on computer files which can be used to identify the files and their provenance  +
This is a presrvation tool  +
Tool for METS/ALTO validation and quality control  +
A friendly swarm of format-identifying robots  +
NetarchiveSuite is a web archiving software package designed to plan, schedule and run web harvests of parts of the Internet.  +
Data-driven computational pipelines  +
Identifiers management tool to generate, bind and resolve different kinds of identifiers  +
A PDF handling tool including PDF/A  +
Identifiers management tool  +
Practical digital preservation training for beginners  +
Process/module manager for Windows, with features such as Kill/Resume/Suspend thread of a process and unload DLL files  +
Platform for digitization projects management  +
NutchWAX is software for indexing ARC files (archived Web sites gathered using Heritrix) for full text search.  +