Research Data

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Content definition: Tools that support the preservation of data created by or relating to research, scholarship, or artistic activity. This is typically referred to as Research Data.

Tools for this content type

ArchiFiltre Overview of folder trees with fine diagrams XXX
Artivity A tool for capturing contextual data produced during the creative process of artists and designers while working on a computer. X
CARDIO CARDIO is a benchmarking tool for data management strategy development X
CND3D Store, Preserve and publish 3D objects produced in Digital Humanities Research XX
CRunch cRunch provides an infrastructure for exploratory data analysis with the statistical programming language and environment R XX
CSV Validator Validation of CSV files against user-defined schema X
Clipper Clipper is a free open-source web application enabling researchers to create and share virtual-clips without altering the original media files X
D-Net Software Kit Software Kit creates a network of repositories that share the infrastructure services necessary to process and provide access to digital content. XX
DMAOnline (Data Management Administration Online) Provides a single dashboard view of how various departments contribute to RDM activities and how an institution is performing in terms of its compliance with policies X
DMPTool DMPTool is an online service to enable researchers to create data management plans now required by many funding agencies, and to receive tailored institutional guidance to help them in the process. XX
DMPonline DMPonline is the DCC's data management planning tool. XXX
Data Asset Framework The Data Asset Framework (formerly the Data Audit Framework) provides organisations with the means to identify, locate, describe and assess how they are managing their research data assets. X
Data Vault A storage broker and front end for archiving research data that is no longer active but that does not have a need for open publication X
DataCite DataCite works with data centres to assign persistent identifiers to datasets using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) infrastructure. XXX
DataFlow DataFlow is a two-stage data management infrastructure that is designed to allow researchers to work with, annotate, publish, and permanently store research data. X
DataStage DataStage is a flexible data storage system that provides controlled access, secure backup, and the ability to transfer selected files to a more permanent archiving facility. X
Dataverse The Dataverse is an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore and analyze research data. XX
GImageReader A customisable GUI for Tesseract X
Kepler Kepler is a scientific workflow modelling and management system that enables users, regardless of programming experience, to set up data analysis pipelines. XX
LabTrove LabTrove is a blogging platform specifically designed for use in a research environment. XX
MyExperiment myExperiment is an online social networking service aimed at scientific researchers; the site fosters collaboration by allowing members to share scientific workflows, experiment plans, and other digital objects. XXX
NESSTAR Nesstar suite is an online publishing platform for organisations wishing to share datasets both internally and with the wider web. XX
OPD for RDM An RDF based list of basic RDM infrastructure components to make this infrastructure more visible and easier to identify X
OpenRefine For dealing with messy data, cleaning it and transforming it X
ReDBox ReDBox and Mint are two complimentary applications designed to create, store, and provide access to research metadata. XX
Rescarta The ResCarta Tools software empowers users to create non-proprietary digital objects with LOC standard METS, MODS, MIX and AudioMD metadata from existing TIFF, JPEG, PDF and WAV data through user-friendly interfaces. XX
Tabula Extract tabular data from PDF files X
Taverna Taverna is a scientific workflow management system designed to assemble, run, document and share sequences sequences of web services and scripts. XXX
WebCite WebCite is an on-demand web archiving service that takes snapshots of Internet-accessible digital objects at the behest of users, storing the data on their own servers and assigning unique identifiers to those instances of the material. XXXX