METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard)

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METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative and structural metadata, and it is widely used e.g. in digital preservation. Please see the official METS website and the official METS Github website for more information.

METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard)
File formats wiki:formats:METS

Tools that have this format as input[edit]

ArchivesSpaceArchivesSpace is the next-generation web-based archives information management system, designed by archivists and supported by diverse archival repositories.
Archivists' ToolkitAn open source archival data management system to provide broad, integrated support for the management of archives
BnL Mets ExporterCommand Line Interface (CLI) to export METS/ALTO documents to other formats.
BnlviewerMETS / ALTO viewer written in Java and Javascript
Curator's WorkbenchCurator's Workbench is a tool that automates and streamlines the process of preparing collections of digital materials for submission to a repository
DFG ViewerBrowser-based viewer for digital objects
DNSDNS - DA NRW Software Suite
DSpaceDSpace is an institutional repository system which enables easy deposit, preservation, and access for all types of digital content.
Docuteam cosmosdocuteam cosmos is a comprehensive, modular software solution for the operation of digital long-term archives based on the OAIS standard (Open Archival Information System, ISO 14721:2012).
Docuteam packerCreates and edits SIPs
EPrintsEPrints is an open access digital repository software, which is intended to create a highly configurable web-based repository.
EchoDep Hub and Spoke Framework Tool SuiteTool suite to manage digital content in multiple repository systems.
EssArchAn OAIS-based digital archive system to include both PreIngest and PreAccess functions
Fedora CommonsFedora provides the back-end foundation for digital repository systems responsible for managing and preserving all types of digital content.
GreenstoneA suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections
KoLibRI (Kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest)The kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest (koLibRI) represents a library of Java tools that have been developed for the interaction with the DIAS system of IBM within the kopal project.
Libsafelibsafe allows the organizations to create a full OAIS compliant Archive, including active and passive digital preservation workflows and is particularly suited for master image files of digitizing processes.
METS NavigatorMETS-based system for displaying and navigating sets of page images or other multi-part digital objects.
METS Reader WriterPython library for processing and outputting METS/PREMIS XML according to the Archivematica METS profile.
METSFlaskA web application for human-friendly exploration of Archivematica METS files
Mets-bag-checkerMETS Bag checker is a simple python tool to check the validity of METS Information Packages (XML validity, completeness, Data Objects fixity, absence of unreferenced files).
NamalysatorTool for METS/ALTO validation and quality control
OpenWMS (Workflow Management System for Digital Objects)The OpenWMS is a platform-independent, open source, web-accessible system that can be used as a standalone application or integrated with other repository architectures by a wide range of organizations.
PiM (PREMIS in METS) ToolboxPREMIS in METS Toolbox was developed to support the implementation of PREMIS in the METS container format.
RodaRODA - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects
RosettaEx Libris Rosetta enables institutions to preserve and provide access to the collections in their care.
SobekCMSobekCM is a digital repository and digital scholarship/publishing system which enables easy deposit, preservation, and access for all types of digital content, tailored to the needs of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, scholars, and researchers.
VeridianOnline search, discovery, and display of digitized newspaper collections

Tools that have this format as output[edit]

7trainXSLT 2.0 tool for generating METS files from XML input
ArchivematicaArchivematica is a digital preservation system that automates the process of preparing digital objects for ingest into a repository and an access system
ArchivesSpaceArchivesSpace is the next-generation web-based archives information management system, designed by archivists and supported by diverse archival repositories.
Archivists' ToolkitAn open source archival data management system to provide broad, integrated support for the management of archives
Curator's WorkbenchCurator's Workbench is a tool that automates and streamlines the process of preparing collections of digital materials for submission to a repository
DFG ViewerBrowser-based viewer for digital objects
DLCMDLCM is an archiving solution based on the OAIS model developed in Java by Swiss universities. It is also the technological stack of the OLOS and Yareta service.
DNSDNS - DA NRW Software Suite
DSpaceDSpace is an institutional repository system which enables easy deposit, preservation, and access for all types of digital content.
Docuteam cosmosdocuteam cosmos is a comprehensive, modular software solution for the operation of digital long-term archives based on the OAIS standard (Open Archival Information System, ISO 14721:2012).
Docuteam packerCreates and edits SIPs
DocworksDocument digitization workflow software
EPrintsEPrints is an open access digital repository software, which is intended to create a highly configurable web-based repository.
EchoDep Hub and Spoke Framework Tool SuiteTool suite to manage digital content in multiple repository systems.
EssArchAn OAIS-based digital archive system to include both PreIngest and PreAccess functions
Fedora CommonsFedora provides the back-end foundation for digital repository systems responsible for managing and preserving all types of digital content.
GoobiWorkflow Management Tool
GreenstoneA suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections
KoLibRI (Kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest)The kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest (koLibRI) represents a library of Java tools that have been developed for the interaction with the DIAS system of IBM within the kopal project.
Libsafelibsafe allows the organizations to create a full OAIS compliant Archive, including active and passive digital preservation workflows and is particularly suited for master image files of digitizing processes.
Limb ProcessingSoftware for processing, enhancing and converting cultural heritage into digital cultural heritage
METS APIThe METS API is a Java API designed to aid developers in the processing and assembly of METS Documents.
METS Reader WriterPython library for processing and outputting METS/PREMIS XML according to the Archivematica METS profile.
NamalysatorTool for METS/ALTO validation and quality control
NumaHOPPlatform for digitization projects management
OpenWMS (Workflow Management System for Digital Objects)The OpenWMS is a platform-independent, open source, web-accessible system that can be used as a standalone application or integrated with other repository architectures by a wide range of organizations.
PiM (PREMIS in METS) ToolboxPREMIS in METS Toolbox was developed to support the implementation of PREMIS in the METS container format.
Pre-Ingest ToolA tool for generating an OAIS SIP for digital preservation. It produces METS document that contains metadata for digital preservation.
RescartaThe ResCarta Tools software empowers users to create non-proprietary digital objects with LOC standard METS, MODS, MIX and AudioMD metadata from existing TIFF, JPEG, PDF and WAV data through user-friendly interfaces.
RodaRODA - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects
RosettaEx Libris Rosetta enables institutions to preserve and provide access to the collections in their care.
SobekCMSobekCM is a digital repository and digital scholarship/publishing system which enables easy deposit, preservation, and access for all types of digital content, tailored to the needs of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, scholars, and researchers.
SobekCM METS EditorCreation of METS documents from a folder of items with bibliographic metadata.