Workflow:Creating a SIP from content downloaded from OneDrive (or other Cloud based source)

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Creating a SIP from content downloaded from OneDrive (or other Cloud based source)
Input:Digital records intended for deposit with the archives for long term preservation,
Output:A SIP ready for ingest into the preservation system.
Organisation:Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick

Workflow Description[edit]

Textual description

  1. Create folder location for files with metadata subfolder
  2. Download content from OneDrive
  3. Run DROID report on downloaded zip folder
  4. Export DROID report to metadata subfolder as "initial" report
  5. Move zip folder to folder using Teracopy
  6. Save Teracopy report
  7. Copy Teracopy report to metadata subfolder
  8. Extract zip folder to folder
  9. Copy extracted files and metadata to another folder in a different location as working copy
  10. Use CSV Validator and the DROID report to check for duplicates
  11. Using working copy check for duplicates using ...
  12. Appraisal: delete duplicate and other files not selected for preservation
  13. When appraisal is complete run a second DROID report and save in metadata folder as "final" report
  14. Create a manifest of the original file names from the DROID report, save as a text file and add to the metadata folder

Rsm01 (talk) 14:15, 28 April 2021 (UTC)

Purpose, Context and Content[edit]

The workflow is a step by step guide to capturing digital deposits from internal (and possibly external) sources, capturing metadata using basic tools, deduplicating and preparing the material as a SIP for ingest into the preservation system.


Further Information[edit]

I wrote a blog post about the deduplication process here: