UKWA GSuite Add-On

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GSuite functions for people working with web archives. The functions use the Memento API (specifically the TimeGate) to look up whether a given archive holds a given URL. It currently supports checks against:
  • UK Web Archive
  • UK Government Web Archive
  • Internet Archive
Source Code:
License:Copyright The British Library
Content type:Spreadsheet


To use this tool add a list of URLs to a Google sheet, then select Extensions > Add-ons > and search for UKWA GSuite Add-On. Each user is restricted to 20,000 calls per day by default, which should be kept in mind when planning to check a long list.

Once the Add-On is installed, it can be used to find whether an earlier snapshot of a URL is held in each archive. These formulae are used to query web archive server responses for copies of the URL, in the first row:


Results are provided as server codes.

Example Sheet

  • 200 is a successful response for at least one copy.
  • 404 is an unsuccessful response for copies.
  • 451 is a qualified response; that the copy, or copies, are unavailable for legal reasons - in this case, that the copyright owner has not given permission to display legal deposit material on the open web.

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