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DuraCloud is a hosted service that provides a centralised interface for organizations interested in using cloud storage as a part of their digital archiving and preservation programs.
License:Apache License
Platforms:Web based

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DuraCloud is a hosted service that provides a centralised interface for organizations interested in using cloud storage as a part of their digital archiving and preservation programs. DuraCloud negotiates with commercial cloud storage providers such as Amazon Web Services and Windows Azure, coordinating content within these existing infrastructures.  It allows users to have multiple copies of their content on multiple clouds, without increasing procedural complications.


The DuraSpace organization

Licensing and cost[edit]

Apache License, Version 2.0.  Service fees from $4,500-$7,000 per year. 

Development activity[edit]

DuraCloud 2.3.1 was released in Spring 2013. DuraSpace is a self-funded not-for-profit organisation; DuraCloud is one of their core services, receiving ongoing development and support.  The organisation has been developing a storage service aimed directly towards researchers.

Platform and interoperability[edit]

As a web interface, DuraCloud is platform agnostic. DuraCloud offers an API to allow users to integrate it directly into their systems. If building from sourcecode, the DuraCloud software currently supports integration with Amazon S3, Windows Azure, Rackspace CloudFiles, and SDSC cloud. The system must have Maven 2.2.1 or above, Tomcat 6.x or above, Java 6, and Subversion installed.

Functional notes[edit]

As a storage and archiving platform, DuraCloud allows users to duplicate content over multiple clouds, to transform images from one format to another, and to check bit integrity.  As an access platform, DuraCloud offers an image server and a media streamer.  

Documentation and user support[edit]

User support is included in the subscription fee.  Extensive information is available through a public wiki, including formal documentation.  DuraCloud also hosts a public issue-tracker.


The service provides a straightforward web interface for administrative functions.  

Expertise required[edit]

Basic functions do not require special expertise, although integration into organisational workflows or user access platforms requires significant systems experience.

Standards compliance[edit]

DuraCloud conforms to REST architecture standards.

Influence and take-up[edit]

DuraCloud is used by organisations such as the U.S. public television station WGBH, the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research, and MIT.

User Experiences[edit]

Development Activity[edit]