Revision as of 16:40, 21 April 2021 by Prwheatley (talk | contribs)
Start the command line from the folder which contains the CLOC exe file.
cloc-1.78.exe D:/Folder/fileToAnalyse
The findings are shown in the black window. Alternatively, you can have an output file
cloc-1.78.exe D:/Folder/fileToAnalayse > outputfile.txt
You can also analyse all files in certain folder, the syntax is like this:
cloc-1.78.exe D:/AnalyseWholeFolder > outputForAllFilesInFolder.txt
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
User Experiences[edit]
Development Activity[edit]
The tool is now released at GitHub. CLOC Page on GitHub There are new releases roughly twice a year.