Workflow:Validation Error Analysis and Treatment for PDF-hul 122 Invalid destination - Destination NULL

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Validation Error Analysis and Treatment for PDF-hul 122 Invalid destination - Destination NULL
Input:File with JHOVE validation error PDF-HUL-122 “Invalid Destination” / Well-Formed, but not valid. This specific workflow documents the sample treatment for a file currently found here:
Output:Fixed file

Workflow Description[edit]

The workflow describes the analysis and the fix of a specific instance of a PDF-HUL-122 error. CAUTION! PDF-HUL-122 errors can be very different in nature and impact. The process described here can be used for internal document links that are not working. It is a manual workflow. More information about this specific case has been discussed in a blog (see link under "Further information"). The methodology used here is that introduced in

Step 1: Validation Error

JHOVE v1.28 PDF-hul v1.12.4 PDF-HUL-122 Invalid Destination with offset given. Well-formed, but not valid.

Step 2: Cross-Check with other Tools

Cross-checked with: pdfcpu v0.6.0dev relaxed mode - no error pdfcpu v0.6.0dev strict mode - unrelated error (Font error) qpdf v9.1.1 - no error PDF Checker 2.1.0 - no error Step 3: Matching Results?

No. Error not reported by other tools, most likely due to low priority of error (only impacts validity, not well-formedness). One additional un-related error picked up.

Step 4: Choose Error to Treat

Original PDF-HUL-122. Ignore Font error.

Step 5A: Locate Error in Spec

ISO 32000-2:2017 Named destinations must contain name as well as target destination. In case of internal destinations this is typically an object reference.

Step 5B: Locate Error in File Offset given by JHOVE only points to place where reference was used in GoTo destination. The reader tries to resolved the named destination used in the GoTo action via the name tree. Here the object is missing and replaced by "Null". (Rechte_von_Eltern_in_der_Kita_2018_V7_bf.indd:.45593:62)[null/Fit ]

Step 6: Match?


Step 7: Fixable?


Step 8: Fix

Find location by checking page object the wrong destination is used on. With Adobe Acrobat Pro's "Edit Link" option, the erronous link can be removed and replaced by a correct one, if known.

Step 9: Check

Re-validated file with JHOVE: now well-formed and valid. Link is now actionable.

Step 10: Success?


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Purpose, Context and Content[edit]

This workflow describes the analysis and treatment of JHOVE PDF-Hul error message PDF-HUL-122 Invalid destination. It describes the process and results of a manual validation error analysis.


The workflow is effective for this specific instance of the error. It should be replicable for pdfs with similar invalid destination problems, i.e., internal links have been replaced with NULL. However, the fix needs to be considered carefully as it impacts the internal structure of the PDF file.

Further Information[edit]

See a further discussion of this in the OPF blog: