Workflow:OVP migration flow

Revision as of 18:29, 16 October 2023 by Jose Velazquez (talk | contribs)
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OVP migration flow
Input:Media assets and descriptive metadata in source OVP.
Output:Media assets and descriptive metadata in destination OVP.
Organisation:La Digitalizadora de la Memoria Colectiva

To initiate the transition from an Source On-line Video Platform Source to a Destination OVP, the first step involves retrieving video information from the OVP Source. You can achieve this by making a GET request to the OVP Source's API authenticating against it, typically using your provided access token and video ID. This request would typically be directed to a generic API endpoint.

Upon receiving a response, you have the opportunity to extract valuable video metadata, including details like the title, description, and tags. Additionally, you can identify the download link for the highest quality version available.

This process should result in acquiring a video asset along with its associated metadata, often structured in XML format. Once these initial steps are executed, you can offer the user the choice to remove the video entry from OVP Source.

Following this, the natural progression leads into the OVP Destination ingest process, aligning with their API documentation and specifications.

OVP migration flow UML

Purpose, Context and Content


Further Information