The 9 Things Your Parents Teach You About Content Marketing Funnel

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A Content Marketing Funnel Explained

A content marketing funnel is a method to help potential customers learn about your brand, find solutions to their problems and become confident in purchasing from you. Content is best suited for every stage of the funnel.

Checklists, videos, and infographics are effective at attracting attention, generating leads and keeping readers engaged. Templates and guides that are gated perform well in this stage.


At this point, customers are simply aware of the existence of your brand and the solutions you offer. This is where the content is created to educate potential customers and inform them about the issues your solution solves and also the differences from competitors.

Consider the keywords that your audience uses when searching online. You can use keyword research to determine the terms your audience uses when they search online. This will help you determine if your product or service is required. This information can be used to build a content calendar and then decide the content pieces that are targeted at these terms.

Additionally producing content for this stage of the funnel can help to build brand loyalty with consumers. The more people learn about your brand, the more confidence they'll have in your ability to solve their problems. This translates into higher conversion rates, be it subscriptions to newsletters, purchases or clickthroughs to your site.

A well-planned content strategy can assist in closing the conversion gap in this stage. For instance, if find that the vast majority of your content is aimed at awareness but not enough of it is helping buyers make a purchase decision, you can increase spending on advertising campaigns to target keywords in the middle of the funnel.

Social media is yet another method to boost your bottom-of-the-funnel conversion. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook permit you to communicate directly with your customers, giving you the chance to show your customer service. This could include anything from retweeting positive reviews to promoting special offers.

You can also use existing content to draw customers to the bottom of the funnel like blog posts or case studies. For example, if you write a post about why your product is better than one from a competitor, you can share it on social media and encourage readers to sign up to your email list for more details. You can also encourage conversions at this point by asking users to tag you on their social media posts once they have used your product. This will encourage others to follow suit and spread the word about your brand.

Then there is the consideration

A successful content strategy will consist of a variety types that draw customers in every stage of the funnel. Brand awareness campaigns, for example could include ad copy as well as blog posts and infographics that address common objections and concerns. These pieces of content can be shared via email and social media to boost organic traffic.

As buyers move through the consideration phase and begin to look for specific features of the product that can help them make the purchase decision. This is the perfect time to create FAQ pages. Use tools for keyword research, such as Ubersuggest or search for popular hashtags within your industry to find questions that your customers are asking. Create answers to these questions and place them on your content funnel map.

During this stage it is essential to present an enticing and compelling argument that shows how your product or services can solve their problems and make them more cash. The content should also emphasize your brand's uniqueness compared to the competition.

This is a simple step to evaluate because the consumer is making a purchase decision. To see whether you're getting the job accomplished, look for metrics like conversion rate as well as the number of transactions and click-through rates.

As consumers move into the advocacy stage they become loyal fans of your brand. They also share your content because they feel strongly about it. This is an extremely effective method to increase the number of people who follow your brand. But you'll have to focus on creating content that entices people to share, instead of focusing solely on engagement metrics. You might want to consider using a tool like Sprout Social to track the social shares that result from your content marketing efforts. This will give you a much more accurate view of your impact.

Decision Making

People are looking for content at the decision-making stage that confirms the purchase and explains how to use the product. At this point, they want to know that your solution will solve their issue and will make their investment worthwhile. High-quality content is important at this point, including product guides video, case studies, and customer success stories. Your customers want to ask questions and get answers from your support team. Providing them with personalized emails and 24/7 customer support is a great way to delight customers and encourage them to share their experience with others.

At this stage you're hoping that the customer will become a brand ambassador and recommend your product to their friends and colleagues. To convert these advocates to rave customers, you'll have to provide them with valuable content that allows them to make the most of your product or service. You can accomplish this by creating personalised newsletters, tutorial videos as well as free trial offers and loyalty programs.

It's time to start focusing on the retention of your audience after it has turned from leads into paying clients. Content marketing funnels typically concentrate on revenue as the final goal. However, customers will continue to interact and interact with brands after they make purchases. For this reason, it's important to reimagine the funnel as a loop model, rather than an unchanging structure that ends with revenue.

The traditional funnels for content marketing are helpful in making your plan however, they don't take into account the complexity of the buyer's journey. Instead, reimagining the funnel as loop models can aid in creating a more holistic and effective content marketing strategy. You can create content that engages your target audience and increases conversions by planning for each phase of the process. Then, you can use the information from these conversions to improve your strategy and ensure that it's working. Are you ready to see the difference that this approach can make to your company? Contact us today to request a free digital content marketing agency marketing guidebook!


A content marketing funnel is a valuable tool that can assist companies plan their strategy, execute it and measure its success. It can also help them identify the weaknesses in their strategy. If a company has a lot of content geared towards the public's attention but only few pieces targeted at the middle of funnel, it must create content specifically for [Redirect-Java] this stage.

Utilize tools such as Ahrefs which examine the average time on a page and bounce rates of each piece to determine how specific your content is. The higher these numbers, the better performing your content.

It's crucial to regularly keep up-to-date the content you create to be at the top of your funnel. This will keep your customers interested in your brand, its products and services. The best way to do this is to create new content that is focused on specific keywords, addresses questions that are likely being sought by your target audience, and highlights the most current information regarding your business or product.

When your customers enter MOFU and MOFU, they'll be seeking out more information about your product or services as well as solutions to their problems. It's also crucial to establish trust at this stage by giving honest reviews and demonstrating your value.

The final stage of the funnel for content marketing is when your customers will make a purchase decision. This is accomplished through gated content, which requires an email address or other form registration to access. The purpose of this content is to convert the awareness and engagement that you've created at the top of your content marketing funnel into leads that are qualified for your sales team to follow up on.

While customer retention largely falls in the hands of your support and sales teams, you can influence the customer's experience with your brand by creating content that entices them throughout the entire content marketing funnel. This could include helpful sources, behind-the-scenes details and special deals that only your customers have access to. If you can establish a relationship of trust to your customers, they will be your greatest advocates and help to reduce your sales cycle.