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A set of command line utilities (tools) to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files
Source Code:https://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlstar/
Function:Metadata Processing
Content type:Metadata
Appears in COW:PDF/A validation and metadata extraction

Release Feed

2025-01-30 04:51:05
Herbert Hippler posted a comment on ticket #44
I found a solution: In my example above, I have added the redirection from stderr to stdout! xml val -e -s abc.xsd xyz.xml > result.txt 2>&1 "2>&1" does the job!
by Herbert Hippler
2025-01-29 18:28:46
Dan Fandrich created ticket #132
Transparent decompression in libxml2 is deprecated
by Dan Fandrich
2024-11-25 11:34:54
Herbert Hippler posted a comment on ticket #44
Hi, Windows 11 Pro, piping doesn't work at all. E.G.: xml val -e -s abc.xsd xyz.xml>result.txt In result.txt I have the result (e.g. xyz.xml - invalid) but the other output (xyz.xml🔢20 Element.....
by Herbert Hippler
2024-06-21 23:29:08
Mark B posted a comment on ticket #131
Note I raised this issue on libxml2 and they released new version 2.13.1 to fix it.
by Mark B
2024-06-15 06:22:35
Mark B posted a comment on ticket #131
With libxslt 1.1.40 installed, do the following to see the bug: $ echo '<test/>' | xml fo failed to load "-": No such file or directory
by Mark B


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