Workflow:Creating a SIP from content downloaded from OneDrive (or other Cloud based source)
Workflow Description[edit]
- Create folder location for files with metadata subfolder
- Download content from OneDrive
- Run DROID report on downloaded zip folder
- Export DROID report to metadata subfolder as "initial" report
- Move zip folder to folder using Teracopy
- Save Teracopy report
- Copy Teracopy report to metadata subfolder
- Extract zip folder to folder
- Copy extracted files and metadata to another folder in a different location as working copy
- Use CSV Validator and the DROID report to check for duplicates
- Using working copy check for duplicates using ...
- Appraisal: delete duplicate and other files not selected for preservation
- When appraisal is complete run a second DROID report and save in metadata folder as "final" report
- Create a manifest of the original file names from the DROID report, save as a text file and add to the metadata folder
Rsm01 (talk) 14:15, 28 April 2021 (UTC)
Purpose, Context and Content[edit]
The workflow is a step by step guide to capturing digital deposits from internal (and possibly external) sources, capturing metadata using basic tools, deduplicating and preparing the material as a SIP for ingest into the preservation system.
Further Information[edit]
I wrote a blog post about the deduplication process here: