Edit COW: Workflow:Browsertrix-crawler Workflow

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The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal.

The system administrator who locked it offered this explanation: COPTR is under maintenance and is currently read only.

To edit this page, please answer the question that appears below (more info):

Status Select which status entry applies to your workflow. Add a new one only if necessary:
Tools: Enter the name of each tool in your workflow. As you type, tools already listed in COPTR will appear. It is also possible to refer to a tool that is not in COPTR yet (and can be added at a later date.
Input A single sentence describing what data or content will provide an input to the workflow:
Output A single sentence describing the resulting data or content that the workflow creates as an output:
Organisation URL Note that this must be a full URL, eg: https://dpconline.org:

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