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What short name does OAIS use for an information package that is used for submission?
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== Description == DBeaver is free and open source universal database tool for developers and database administrators. The program UI is carefully designed and implemented. It is based on opensource framework and allows writing of various extensions (plugins). It supports any database having a JDBC driver. It may handle any external datasource which may or may not have a JDBC driver. There is a set of plugins for different databases and different database management utilities (e.g. ERD, data transfer, compare, data export/import, mock data generation, etc). == User Experiences == <!-- Add hotlinks to user experiences with the tool (eg. blog posts). These should illustrate the effectiveness (or otherwise) of the tool. Use a bullet list. --> == Development Activity == <!-- Provide *evidence* of development activity of the tool. For example, RSS feeds for code issues or commits. --> <!-- Add the ID for the tool, if known. -->