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Lifecycle Stage:
Content Type:

Not content-type specific tools: Store[edit]

Functions that support the DCC Lifecycle stage defined as "Store the data in a secure manner adhering to relevant standards."

ACE (Audit Control Environment) X
ARK plugin for Omeka X
AVP Fixity X
Advanced Renamer X
Amazon Cloud X
Ark service X
BAT: BnfArcTools X
BIL (BagIt Library) X
BagIt Transfer Utilities X
Bagger X
BitCurator XX
Bulk Rename Utility X
CASTOR (CERN Advanced STORage manager) X
Carbonite XX
Checksum (by Corz) X
Chronopolis XX
Cksum Unix command X
Czkawka X
DCape (ingest only) X
Dcfldd X
Detox X
Directory List & Print X
DiskView X
Docuteam cosmos X
Double Commander XX
Dropbox XX
ExactFile X
Explore2fs X
File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester V2 XX
FileVerifier++ X
Fixi X
Fixity Pro X
FreeCommander XX
Fslint X
Glacier (Amazon) XX
Google Cloud X
Greens X
Hoppla X
IRODS (integrated Rule Oriented Data Systems) X
Java library implementing Pairtree X
LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) X
Legacy Locker X
Library (xklb) X
Lunas X
MD5Checker X
Md5deep and hashdeep X
Md5sum Unix command X
Md5summer X
Mets-bag-checker X
Micr'Olonys XXX
Minimum Preservation Tool X
NARA File Analyzer and Metadata Harvester X
NOID (Ruby) X
Nice Opaque Identifiers (NOID) X
Noids X
Omeka Identity plugin X
Package Handler X
Python checkm package X
RE (Rename Expert) X
RackSpace X
ReACT (Resource Audit and Comparison Tool) X
ReNamer X
Remove Empty Directories X
Rhash X
Riprap X
Rocfl X
SAFE Archive Audit System XX
SRB (The DICE Storage Resource Broker) X
SSDeep X
SafeMover X
Sumfolder1 X
TeraCopy X
The Rename X
The aDORe Federation X
Tree X
TreeSize X
VRenamer X
WinMerge X