
Revision as of 09:27, 15 January 2015 by Yfriese (talk | contribs) (edited the Description section with openly available information from studies and presentations)
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Designed in collaboration with the National Library of New Zealand and reviewed by an international peer group of recognized leaders and innovators, Ex Libris Rosetta enables institutions to preserve and provide access to the collections in their care, now and in the future.


Designed in collaboration with the National Library of New Zealand and reviewed by an international peer group of recognized leaders and innovators, Ex Libris Rosetta enables institutions to preserve and provide access to the collections in their care, now and in the future.

Rosetta is a complete preservation solution. Its focus is to archive and preserve the digitized and born digital materials stored at academic and memory institutions like libraries and archives, research organizations and government institutions. It aims to ensure data integrity and access over time for the archived digital data.

Rosetta supports the acquisition, validation, ingest, storage, preservation and dissemination of digitale objects that are in various formats and originate from many sources.

Rosetta uses standards like Premis and Mets. The METS profile of Ex Libris is published and open. Tehe data model of Rosetta is as following:

  • intellectual entity (coherent set of content, the whole unit like e. g. a digitized book)
  • representation (the set of files, including all the metadata)
  • file
  • bit-stream

Tools integrated in Rosetta

  • BIRT (open source, eclipse-based Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools reporting system)
  • thanks to a SDK, Rosetta users can easily build their own tools, submission applications and plug-ins
  • Pronom connection

Rosetta is an OAIS-compliant solution.

User Experiences

Development Activity

User Experiences

Development Activity